Prélude et fugue en la m, M. Castelnuovo-Tedesco.
Thanks to Erica Da Val and Barbara Dalla Valle.
From "Les Guitares bien tempérées", op. 199 1. Prélude.
Registrazione Studio Good Wave Recordings - Spiazzo, Trentino.
DV Guitar Duo
DiscoverPrélude et fugue en la m, M. Castelnuovo-Tedesco.
Thanks to Erica Da Val and Barbara Dalla Valle.
From "Les Guitares bien tempérées", op. 199 1. Prélude.
Registrazione Studio Good Wave Recordings - Spiazzo, Trentino.
After the experience of working in London in renowned recording studios like Metropolis Studios, SARM Studios and MasterChord Studio, I decided to open my own recording studio in Italy to bring my experience and passion to a unique place where every artist and musician feels like at home: welcome to Goodwaverecordings!
Life in the studio Request InfoLoc.Borzago, 35D
Spiazzo - 38088
Val Rendena -Trentino - Italy
I'm waiting for you in the Dolomites!
tel. +39 3347048903
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